Registration with Regional Licensing Authority
Registration with Regional Licensing Authority is a pre-requisite for import of goods. The Customs will not allow clearance of goods unless: The importer has obtained IE Code Number from Regional Licensing Authority. However, no such registration is necessary for persons importing goods from/ to Nepal provided Value of a single Consignment does not exceed Rs. 25000/=IEC Code
An application for grant of IEC Code should be made in the prescribed proforma . The application duly signed by the applicant should be supported by the following documents:Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/demand draft for payment of the fee of Rs.1000/- Certificate from the Banker of the applicant firm as per Annexure1 to the form. Two copies of passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested by the banker of the applicant.
A copy of Permanent Account Number issued by Income Tax Authorities, if PAN has not been allotted, a copy of the letter of legal authority may be furnished. If there is any non-resident interest in the firm and NRI investment is to be made with repatriable benefits, full particulars thereof along with a photocopy of RBI's approval. If there is NRI investment without repatriation benefit, a simple declaration indicating whether it is held with the general/specific permission of the RBI on the letter head of the firm should be furnished. In case of specific approval, a copy may also be furnished.
Declaration by the applicant that the proprietors/partners/directors of the applicant firm/company, as the case may be, are not associated as proprietor/partners/directors with any other firm/company the IEC No. is allotted with a condition that be can export only with the prior approval of the RBI.
Profile of the Exporter/Importer in a given Format
The Registered Office or HO or Branch Office (duly authorized by the HO in this behalf) should apply for allotment of IEC No. However, only one IEC no. is allotted to a company and the same is valid for all its branches/offices/units.The applilcation for grant of IEC No. should be made to the Regional Licensing Authority concerned.
The application fee shall be deposited by way of deposit in an authorized branch of Central Bank of India indicating the head of Account 1453 Foreign Trade and Export Promotion Minor Head 102. Import Licence Application Fee.
The IEC No. is likely to be granted within 3 days of the receipt of the complete application and requisite documents.