An application for grant of an import licence or CCP for import of the items mentioned as restricted for import in ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import items may be made to the regional licensing authority concerned.
Rs. 200 where the value of goods specified does not exceed Rs. 50,000.
Rs. 2 per thousand or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 200 and a maximum of Rs.1 lakh 50 thousand, where the value of goods exceeds Rs. 50,000.
Rs. 200 where Application is filed be SSI units where the CIF value of goods specified in the application does exceed Rs. 2 lakh.
Rs. 200 where application is for grant of duplicate licence.
Crossed DD on a scheduled bank for the requisite amount should be made in favour of the concerned licensing authority.
Application for Import License
Every application for import licence or CCP should be accompanied by 2 copies of a bank receipt from the Central Bank of India or a Bank Draft from any Bank indicating the deposit in accordance with the prescribed scale of fees.Rs. 200 where the value of goods specified does not exceed Rs. 50,000.
Rs. 2 per thousand or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 200 and a maximum of Rs.1 lakh 50 thousand, where the value of goods exceeds Rs. 50,000.
Rs. 200 where Application is filed be SSI units where the CIF value of goods specified in the application does exceed Rs. 2 lakh.
Rs. 200 where application is for grant of duplicate licence.
The Application Fee shall be Deposited Either:
By way of deposit in an authorized branch of Central Bank of India indicating the Head of Accounts 1453 Foreign Trade and Export Promotion - Minor Head 102, Import Licence Application Fee. The Bank receipt must show the name of the department viz. "Director General of Foreign Trade". The bank receipt should be drawn in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer concerned. Such fees can also be deposited with Indian Missions abroad.Or
Crossed DD on a scheduled bank for the requisite amount should be made in favour of the concerned licensing authority.